Bigger Goals in 2018!

Meet Amber Motsney, an amazing working mom & wife, now challenging herself to complete an Ironman in 2018. That's a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and full marathon!  Playtri will be following Amber’s journey from start of IM training through IMTX in April 2018 on our Athlete's Blog. 



Tell us about yourself...

I am Wife to Michael and Mother to Tori (21), Lauren (15) and Grace (11).  I’m the Manager of Provider Relations for North Texas with UnitedHealthcare.  My husband Michael is a High School English teacher/Girls Basketball/Softball coach.  My oldest daughter is in college and recently moved out, Lauren is a Sophomore in High School and on the Drill Team, and Grace is in 6th grade, plays the flute and takes Ballet, Jazz and Hip Hop.


How long have you been doing triathlons?

I just completed my 3rd year of triathlon.


How did you start?

In December of 2010 I was 200 lbs and knew I needed to change my habits or my health would be impacted and I wanted to be around for my family.  I started with Zumba and then went to Running and needed something to keep me active.  I heard about Playtri’s group program with Bike Rental and the rest is history.  I fell in love with the sport and the people in the Triathlon Community.  


What is your big goal for 2018?

Ironman Texas


Why did you decide this goal?

I originally wanted to do an Ironman the year I turned 40 but that was delayed a year with a few injures so 2018 is the year.  I have completed several Sprints, Olympics and this year completed Galveston 70.3.


What do you think will be some challenges in achieving this goal?

Time…I’m not fast in any of the sports but very persistent


What are you doing to address those challenges?

I hired a Coach as I had been using the Group Programs but for Ironman felt the need to have individual coaching.  Stay consistent with my workouts and make sure I am working on recovery so I won’t risk injury.


Any general tips for those starting their triathlon journey or thinking about a “bigger” goal in 2018?

Every race or training day is a learning experience.  Learn as much as you can from others and surround yourself with supportive teammates.  As a Playtri Race Team member I love seeing my teammates out on the course and we encourage and cheer each other on.  Our Facebook group is a huge help as well.  For me the decision to take on Ironman was one that I thought about for sometime but in the end I felt I never would feel ready to sign-up.  I just needed to do it and get myself ready.


Any recommendations for other athletes out there on deciding on a bigger goal:

-Don’t set an unrealistic goal
-Talk to others who have done the race and get feedback
-Talk to your Coach about what you want to do and get their feedback
-Have a support team to encourage you when things get hard or you are having a bad day
-Keep reminding yourself why you are doing this


Any specific tips for women who want to “tri” bigger goals?

-Get your families buy-in.  
-Meal Plan/Prep - My Sunday evenings are typically meal prepping for the week.  I pick up groceries at the store with the new grocery pick up available at several of the local stores.  It really cuts down on time spent grocery shopping and buying things I don’t need to eat.  
-Ask for help, this is really hard for me but I know I can’t do everything and get my training done.
-Have fun!