Jodi's First Triathlon ~ Luck of the Irish ☘️ Sprint Tri

Luck of the Irish ☘️ Sprint Tri ~ What a blast !


Quick race cap 😜because it was a quick race!

Thank you Playtri Mckinney and all my coaches; Coach Eric Gusa Anca Wetegrove and Morgan Hoffman and especially momma bear Amber Motsney for taking me under her wing. John Howard for being a great training partner and our cheering squad; Patty Bockenfeld Michele Montgomery Kelley Smith Tammy Eiland and Rosa and of course a huge thank you to my fiancé Jason Graman for being so understanding of my time training.


Super organized event, the perfect trifecta first Tri. great logistics, great weather great race.

My swim was not my best... stopped in the middle of the first lap to get the water out of my goggles, my heart was pounding so hard couldn’t get my breathing right until the last lap but then I paused by the first ladder to get out and realized I had to continue to the next to exit and felt someone coming up next to me so I swam quick and pulled ahead to get up the ladder and exit.


Easy transition to my bike and had fun “passing on the left” but got passed by all the super fast guys on Tri bikes 😆, came into transition 2 and couldn’t find my spot to put my bike and then once found got my run shoes on, ran to bike exit not realizing the run exit was the opposite end.


Legs felt weird and I felt really slow until I looked at my watch to see mile one was 8:46 pace~ woohoo.


Finished my run and the race to cheers from my squad. Felt super energized and had such a blast.

Got my race results and surprisingly finished 2nd in my ripe old age group!!!!! can’t wait to “Tri” again !!!😊⭐️👍🏻🌸


Congrats Jodi ~ your Playtri family is so proud of you!