That CHILL in the air shouldn't stop you from training...


 That CHILL in the air should not stop you from getting outside, and following these couple Winter Gear Tips will keep you comfortable and let enjoy some of those winter miles.


 Temperature, cycling speed windchill and layering. Take these three things into account when gearing up for winter riding. Just because the sun is out and it feels warm on your front porch, doesn’t mean it will be warm when riding at 18 mph into a north wind!




Workload, hands and head. Little easier because you don’t have wind chill, but harder because you can easily overdress because your body will warm up quickly running.


If you keep your head and hands covered, you can run, especially race, in any temperature. Majority of your heat is lost through your head, and your hands have the smallest amount of circulation, keeps those covered, and you are good!

We suggest:


Running gloves ($28) winter running hats ($19) and a wind jacket ($90) will have you logging miles, even in the chilliest temps.

Hope this helps you get geared up for the winter, and if it still too cold, you can always visit and get the ultimate indoor trainer! Shop trainers here or at your nearest Playtri Store.