Well, the high's are in the 80's today, which means it's almost Fall in Texas! Seasonal food has always been a big part of Fall for me, and the flavors that I find myself craving the most are apple, pumpkin and cinnamon. However, it seems like most often I find these flavors in pie, which isn't the healthiest fix!
So, I did some digging, and I want to share my finds with you - six awesome, healthy Fall recipes that you can feel good about sharing with your young Lions, and the rest of your family. Enjoy!
Baked Apples (one of my favorites growing up!)
Remember, when you are eating foods like pumpkin and apple with the skin on it is important to make sure you wash them thoroughly, and if you can, buy organic (not that I have ever turned my nose up at a Red Delicious apple, regardless of its origins!).
Happy Fall!
Coach Morgan