Hydration & Nutrition Tips

Warmer temps mean we're all itching to get outside more, which means longer walks, runs & bike rides.

There are few things worse than being halfway out on a longer workout and realizing you are hungry or thirsty, without having proper supplies. The following are some basic guidelines for activities from long family walks to 4-hour bike rides to help you stay hydrated and fueled for the duration.

General Guidelines:

·       Start activities fueled and hydrated: Once you're behind, you won't catch up while exercising! Make sure you are drinking water throughout the day, and that you've had something to eat at least two hours prior to exercising.

·       Chill out: If you are doing a longer distance than usual, keep the intensity low, even for training rides and runs. Higher intensity workouts deplete your nutrition and hydration stores faster, so take it easy until you have a good idea of what your body requires for a longer training session. 

·       Give your kids a break: If you are exercising with kids, keep in mind their bodies don't cool as effectively, and make sure they are taking frequent breaks (with water!) in the shade (when available).

·       Be salty: If temps are over 70 degrees, make sure to add some Nuun to your water to replace the salt you are lowing in your sweat. Salt, or sodium, helps our bodies absorb water - when it gets depleted, hydration suffers, even if we are drinking water.

Activity-Specific Guidelines:

·       Walks longer than 30 minutes: Consider carrying a water bottle or hydration pack (like the Orange Mud Endurance Pack V2.0) for the group, as well as a couple of Clif Bars/Bonk Breakers/Stinger Waffles in case anyone starts to feel hungry. 

·       Runs 1 hour or longer: Carry hydration (8-10 ounces/hour) in an Orange Mud or hydration pack and fuel (100 calories an hour - GU Gels or Clif Shot Blocks are great run fuel) or create a loop course that goes back by your home, and set a full Camelbak water bottle (insulated so your drink stays cool!) and gels outside that you can grab when you swing by. Consider walking for a minute when taking hydration/nutrition on the run as it will absorb more quickly, making for more quality miles.

·       Bikes 1 hour or longer (casual rides or with kiddos): Carry water bottles on your frame, or a hydration pack for the group. Plan for 10-20 ounces of water per rider per hour. Carry a couple of energy bars or similar in pockets or a Profile Design E-Pack/XLAB Rocket Pocket, and make sure everyone eats something at least once an hour to avoid depleted glycogen stores.

·       Bikes 1 hour or longer (training rides): Carry enough hydration for each rider to consume 20-30 ounces/hour, and enough gels, chews, bars or similar (make sure whatever product you are using is 70% + carbohydrate as fat/protein will not absorb during the session) to get 100-300 calories/hour. Keep your calories separate from your hydration as high-calorie content causes our bodies to absorb water differently, meaning less of it goes to actually hydrate our bodies. A bento box for nutrition and Profile Design FC Hydration System/XLAB Torpedo Versa Hydration System (to remind you to drink frequently!) are fantastic investments for any athlete getting into longer distances on the bike.

 Remember Playtri has everything you need to keep you fit and healthy. Stop by or shop online at  PlaytriStore.com.

 Morgan Johnson Hoffman