You Create the Atmosphere

One of the greatest statements my mom ever said to me after a crummy race,

"Get back out there on the course and cheer people on. You get to be a part of a crazy fun sport. Don't miss out on being a part of someone else's "win"!"

Having been a part of this sport for many years as an athlete, sponsored / race team member and coach, I have noticed a significant shift in the age group atmosphere and mentality. We miss out on a huge opportunity at the finish line. Although this sport can be individualistic, everyone (beginner to competitive) has and always will want to be recognized, pushed toward their goals, and cheered on all the way to the end of their race. Just look at IM and Challenge race courses and finish lines- these races provide an excitement like none-other! THAT'S A HUGE PART OF WHY PEOPLE KEEP COMING BACK- it's an atmosphere and energy that these race companies provide and what we all have grown to love.

The local race vibe is truly within our own power. These race directors likely don't have the means to pull out the red carpet and televised broadcast in order to pump you up.

But regardless, we can all agree, every athlete should be encouraged and positively propelled all the way home. No matter if you win "your'' day (because, ultimately, the sport of triathlon is about your personal best, regardless of where the chips may fall in the results), that last stretch can be incredible for the entire field! We all know that as adults, there are few and far between places where we can feel this fascinating electricity. It is completely up to us... time to create this amazing atmosphere for one another!

Don't just stand there waiting for your one or two people at the finish line! Set a loud tone and embrace the chance to be a part of someone else's great day!

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