Triathlon Club
The GSNETX Triathlon Club empowers girls to pursue personal development in swimming, biking and running. Club members learn important swim and bike safety lessons, work with professional coaches and enthusiastic volunteers to develop their fitness and skills, volunteer as a club at local triathlon events, and can even participate in local events together. Triathlon is a sport girls can do for a lifetime - come join the fun!
DISCOVER: Tri Club girls find out more about an emerging sport that combines three great activities for health, fitness and adventure
CONNECT: Tri Club girls work with local professionals and other women in triathlon to expand their horizons and develop knowledge of a healthy activity
TAKE ACTION: Tri Club girls volunteer at local triathlon events to grow and support a community invested in healthy lifestyles
Club Contact:
Coach Morgan Hoffman -
Club Details
This club is designed to help girls prepare to participate in an age-appropriate local triathlon event, while helping them to develop skills they will use for a lifetime. The club includes:
Monthly Saturday practices: 2 to 3-hour in-person sessions with swim, bike and run instruction with professional coaches and volunteers, along with talks from sport experts, games and more.
Monthly newsletters: Informative newsletters including reminders, tips, inspirational content and important updates for club members.
At-home training schedule: Girls are provided with age-appropriate workouts to do at home to help them get ready to participate in triathlon events
Volunteer opportunities: Girls and coaches will select two local triathlon events to volunteer at as a club
Competition opportunities: Girls and coaches will select 1 to 2 local triathlon events to complete as a team
Currently, the club is available to girls at Cadette level and up. Special consideration can be made for Juniors - please contact for more information. If you have younger scouts that are interested, please reach out for more information.
2024-2025 Club Schedule
Sunday, March 16th / ~5:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Volunteer at Luck of the Irish Sprint Triathlon
Saturday, April 19th / 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Swim/bike/run practice at DRN
Saturday, May 3rd / 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Swim/bike/run practice at DRN
Practice Location
Don Rodenbaugh Aquatics Center (DRN)
110 Rivercrest Blvd
Allen, TX 75002
Club Pre-Requisites
Girls joining Triathlon Club need to have some basic skills and equipment*:
Girls should be able to swim 25y (one length of a typical competition pool) without stopping - no specific stroke required
Girls should be able to ride a bicycle without training wheels
Girls need to have the following equipment: Swimsuit, goggles, bicycle, bicycle helmet, running shoes
*Playtri offers private lessons for learn to swim and learn to bike!
$20/Girl Scout
Three steps to register!
Complete the information form below
Select the appropriate button (Troop or Individual) below the info form to complete payment
Complete your athlete’s Playtri Waiver at
All athletes must have completed a current year Playtri Waiver & Release prior to their first training session:
There are no refunds or transfers for Playtri program fees.